He doesn't get it

Being pregnant my hormones are all over the place. I'm moody or crying and my hubby just doesn't understand. He acts like I can control it and that I'm just using pregnancy as an excuse to be cranky. I'm trying my absolute best to hold it all in but sometimes I just can't. 
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This is something I am fearful of happening when I become pregnant. I know he will be a great dad, but during pregnancy, I'm worried he just won't get it. It's hard because in the movies you see the dad-to-be doting on his wife and treating her like a queen. Knowing my husband, he has a good heart, but I swear when it comes to women, he just doesn't get it sometimes lol. I am very and truly afraid that I will face this same issue. That is why I have been saving links to as many sites/ blogs as I come across that give tips to dads-to-be. I am prepared to show these articles to him so he can see exactly how I am feeling and more importantly, why j feel that way and most importantly, how it is his job as husband and dad-to-be to go out of his way to help and how he can go about doing so. 


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Maybe try reading a pregnancy book together? What to expect when you're expecting is really good. Once he sees the section on how pregnancy effects a woman & sees you're not actually being crazy on purpose, hopefully he'll be more understand. Or even get him to talk to women who have been previously pregnant to back up your claims 


Chesney • Aug 11, 2015