Getting along with sons father


I posted an screen shot earlier. Out of anger, working on getting it taken down. So, here's my question. My sons father has been in and out of his life since we split (2 years Ago) I've never made him pay support because I thought it was more important for them to have a relationship. He's never helped support him and I've practically been raising him by myself since he was born. I met this wonderful man in November and he gets jealous

Fast forward to December of last year. He text me DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS wanting to come get his child for a week. First time I've spoken to him in a month!! I tell him no because I have plans with family. He throws a fit and calls me all kinds of names says I'm only acting like this because of my new boyfriend. Not true BTW. So I don't hear from him again for about 3-4 months. He's dating some new girl and wants to see his son. Fine, not a problem. We arrange to have dinner. Me, my SO and him and his new gf. Day of dinner I call and text asking when we are meeting. no call or text. I get on Facebook and see that him and his new gf already went to dinner. His excuse? Oh I forgot. So by then I given up trying rk make him involved. About 6 months go by and he text me wanting to see his son. Its been almost a year since he has seen his son. HIS choice. I'm trying to get along with him for the sake of our child. He HATES my now fiance for no reason. Never Eben met the man. His child's birthday party is next month and he wants to be there. Fine with me, he is is the father. However, he tell me he doesn't want my SO there. My fiance haz helped me raise my son for almost a year and my son loves him to death. I don't understand why he thinks he can tell me he can't be there. Its in a nuetral areal a local part. He thinks I'm wrong for saying that he has no say so in him being there. I mean he's about to be my child's stepfather for crying out loud?? Any HELPFUL suggestions would be appreciated. I'm at a loss