Why? Is this okay?

Okay so this is my second pregnancy, with my previous one I had an emergency c-section, then I had found out like 2 years ago when I went to get my Mirena surgically removed that I had a cyst on my left ovary which was nothing to worry about so they said, but I'm 4 weeks and 1 day & I've been sorta crampy, it's like a dull crampy ache more on the side, sometimes left or right. With a lower dull backache at times. Is this normal? I find myself constantly checking for anything and it's nothing, do you think that my precious c section and cyst if still there is causing it? Or is it just the baby? I don't really recall cramping in the beginning weeks with my son, but then again maybe bc I wasn't ttc then so I wasn't keeping track of my symptoms really