Hubby problems.

Jamie • Momma to my sweet girl and another blessing on the way! And wifey to my good man!
So our little miss arrived early and since I went in to labor hubby has been making, excuse my language, but complete dick moves.
I had been up most of the night having contractions when I finally decided to wake him and he acted mostly irritated that I had woken him and made me call the hospital even though I was having contractions every 4-5 minutes. They told me to drink a bunch of water, take some Tylenol and if they didn't settle down then to head up there in about an hour. I tell hubby and he starts shaving his head, showering, and taking his sweet time while I hobble around the house trying to pack bags for us and for our 2.5 yr old daughter. We were supposed to leave the house at 6 am to head to the hospital and didn't get on the road until 7 am. We finally got to the hospital and find out that I was dilated to a 4 and fully effaced. At that point, I think hubby kind of felt bad for not taking me serious (he kept making jokes that I was just having gas pains and they were going to send us home). So baby is born healthy, thank god, despite her being 5 weeks early. So we spend Monday night in the hospital and on Tuesday hubby tells me he's going to get up early and drive home (hour away) and go to work on Wednesday. Whatever, not happy but I deal. He got our 2.5 year old that evening after he finished at work and stayed home and went to work Thursday morning knowing that we were going to be discharged that day. He then calls me to tell me that he can't leave work to come get us so I have to have my friend that just had her baby 4 weeks ago drive the hour to come get us.... 
Since we have been home it's mostly been me taking care of baby while taking care of 2.5 yr old while he does God knows what. We weren't ready for her to come so early so I've been trying to get everything situated and what not with zero help. I asked him to move her dresser in to our room and a recliner into the spare bedroom... Is it done? No. I ask him to help fold laundry.. He folds just his. I'm over it. Along with the comments of how great he's been sleeping (while I get up to care for baby every 2-3 hours) or making comments about how I've been in bed all day today. Or how he doesn't understand why I was so tired by yesterday evening.. I had taken baby to her wellness check which is an hour long drive, had to return a few things at target, go grocery shopping, and then pick up our 2.5 yr old from daycare. Oh and had dinner ready by the time he got home from work at 7 pm. 
With our oldest he was working in the oil field and HAD to be gone, which I could deal with but when he is home he's either on his phone or watching tv and then gets upset when I try talking to him. I just don't know what to do. My feelings are so hurt over everything and I JUST HAD A BABY. I feel like I should be the one sitting on my ass while he does everything not the other way around.