IVF Orientation in Sept

JEN • Married 12/31/11 TTC since 1/1/12. We suffered a mc 12/23/14 :( started 2015 we did injections, still BFN, did 1 IUI BFN finally moved to IVF (long lupron protcol) in Sept. BFP! EDD 07/17/16
We scheduled our <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> orientation for Sept 14, I'm wondering what cd day do u start lupron and bc? I know they woop tell us but I'll be cd 1 right around then so I'm just wondering. I know she said I would be on lupron for 2 to 3 weeks depending if I have a cyst after 2 weeks. Any advice would be awesome