Don't know what to do!

So back in 2009 I went off BC and didn't get my period. Long story short, in 2012 after rounds of provera and Clomid and ovidril we did an <a href="">IUI</a> and got pregnant!! I gave birth in 2013 and went back on BC. I just stopped taking them again after my last AF (1st day of Last AF was July 27). I downloaded this app and thought I'd give it a try *just in case* I got AF on my own. I put in that I had a 28 day cycle since that's really all I've known because I was taking BC. This calculation put my peak fertile day on 8/9. I had some pain I would associate with ovulation Monday (8/10) and was very nauseated and dizzy. I was nauseated and dizzy today too. My question is- is there a possibility (if it even happened at all) that I O'd before glow told me I would and I could be pregnant?