Mother and sister and law issues?

So I'm willing to take any advice or anything! But here's what it is let me start by saying my sister and mother in law are very out spoken more sister in law but me and my husband are married obviously and shane (my husband) sister is not married not dating anyone nothing! Well on fb my mother in law acts like she's so ready for her to have kids but not us she's always saying how she's not going to be a Grandmal cause she's not married yet were the ones that are married? I mean am I wrong to feel upset when I see that on Facebook she never acts like she's excited for us yet she is for someone who isn't even dating someone my mom is the only one who has shown any kind of love she's already bought stuff lol!! But anyways like if my mother in law tags us in baby stuff on Facebook my sister in law text her and gets mad so now on Facebook she has to tag me and her on fb in baby stuff I mean is that not rediculous or is that just me? But my mom didn't tag my sister she isn't with anyone why would she? I mean I'm starting to resent my in laws am I wrong?