Deployment Sex

Angela • 💍 Married 10-11-12! 👫TTC since 11/2013. 💉 IVF #1: 6/2016, miscarried 7/2016. 💉 IVF #2: 8/2017, miscarried 10/2017. 🌈 FET #1: 4/2018, Rowan Amelia born 12/16/18
I'm going to see my husband while he's on deployment! I'll see him for 18 days. A few things ...
He's been off clomid for 6 months now, not by choice tho. I will only have 2.6% of conceiving while there. Four days before I leave, my 5 day period will end. So our hopes of maybe conceiving while there is low, but we are hopeful & will be doing all we can. But most importantly we'll be having fun & enjoying our time together. Any tips? Advice? Sux that I'll have a period while seeing him, but that's life, right?! 😜