Feeling discouraged with TTC

Cassie • 28|Married 💏💍|Our journey of trying for baby number one was finally successful. Damian Rudolf 11*25*16😍😍😍Baby #2 due January 2020
So my husband and I have been TTC since April and I'm really starting to get discouraged. He got a job right after our wedding that has really great pay and benefits, but he works overnights, weekends, and every holiday and it could be 10+ years until day work is available to him. It pretty much took our "honeymoon stage" away and I feel like I don't have a husband because we can't ever do anything together or sleep together besides two nights a week. He sleeps all day for work then goes in at night so when he does have the energy for sex it's like 2 minutes because we're always pressed for time. I look forward to his nights off so we can have more time for that stuff, but now we don't end up doing anything on his nights off because we're busy or he's tired. He's looking into other jobs in our area since we moved and he travels a good distance to his current job which adds to his tiredness, but I feel like being this miserable and stressed is affecting me getting pregnant. We end up arguing a lot because he doesn't think I understand that he's trying to provide for us , but he doesn't seem to understand how alone I feel. I know he works really hard, but I miss how he was before this job and he's been there for about 2 years now. Can anyone else relate to this?