Recurrent miscarriage testing. (Kind of long.)

I have had 4 miscarriages now. One before my daughter a little over a year ago and the other 3 since March of this year.
I am now undergoing some tests and had an ultrasound on my uterus today. All I have been tested for is my prolactin levels. 
My doctor said that if things come back normal for the blood test and my ultrasound, then we will do genetic testing..I just feel like I have not been tested for all the possible homones deffects though...I hate to have to do genetic testing as it freaks me out and I feel like there is more that I should be tested for before we resort to that. 
He said that if all those tests come back normal than he will refer us to a specialist. I just find that kind of jumping the gun too soon.
Has anyone ever gone through this? Is there anything else I should request to be tested for before we resort to genetic testing and/or a specialist? 
All of my miscarriages have happened right around 4-4.5 weeks. I never get far and for that reason I feel like it may be a hormone issue. Also, I do not have problems getting pregnant, just staying pregnant.
Thanks for your advice! :)