Idk what to do.

****They have been separated since she was pregnant, she knows about me as me and him are on fb in a relationship and I've talked to her plenty of times. Marriages and relationships are all the same not all work in the long run. I'm not the homewrecker if 1. They both are fucking other people (she's also on a dating site now) 2. He lives with me, if he was with "with" her he wouldn't of left his apartment n came here without me asking.. Im not making excuses" My boyfriend and I have been together a year and a half. He's married and has a 20 month old (who is always sick or hurt, I've posted about this on here) but out of nowhere he is going to see her. He lies about talking to her. And then will tell me a hour before work gets out "I'll be late I got to see my kid" a hour away from our house. I guess I'm just pissed because I know he cheated twice with her and once with another ex. I'm 12weeks pregnant. He really don't want the baby, not supportive of anything, but won't leave when I tell him to get out of my house. She's on fb posting about she's "all set with her family 👨‍👩‍👧". I've told him he needs get a divorce but he claims he don't have time or money. And now we haven't had sex in half a week because I've been too sick and will puke if shaken. All I think about when he mentions her is they going get together again. I don't want rude comments. But i don't have any friends I can really talk to. I want a family but I don't want this.