Does my LO have milk intolerance ?

Cindy • 25 yo. FTM to a Baby girl. Grace Elena<3
I am wondering if anyone's little one has experience milk intolerance. I am breast-feeding and recently found out that my daughter has reflux. But I also can't help but wonder if she has milk intolerance too? She just seems like she has a painful gas and that pooping is a painful experience for her. She clinches her fists, gets red in the face, and even screams sometimes. All that is finally followed by a loud fart and a big poop! I know breast-fed babies have mustard color poop that can have what looks like cottage cheese. my babies poop looks like this, but I feel like it's more sticky even mucousy instead of mushy? If anyone has a baby who does this, what was it related to ?' Can it be milk intolerance? Or do babies do this? If a breast feeding momma can post a picture of their babies dirty diaper. I would appreciate it.