The importance of posting in the correct room

Gunce • Head of research at Glow. Unwilling infertility expert. 2 kids after 6 IVF treatments.

Hi Everyone - 

As our community continues to grow, it becomes that much more important for everyone to post in the correct room. The reasons behind this is simple: If you post in the correct room, you will get more interested people reading and commenting on your topic. And there is less of a chance your topic will get deleted by our very hardworking admins. 

And different rooms serve different purposes. The same exact post will get different reactions depending on the room. For example, you want nothing but support and encouragement, CC is probably not the correct place to post. 

Also, please keep in mind, we are a teeny-tiny start-up. And even as we are increasing the resources we dedicate to the community, we cannot do it alone. Please help us out. 

Thank you!