Anyone ever get a job while pregnant?

Brooke • Mother of 3! C-section mama, uterine rupture, and uterine resection. Long difficult journey to be a mama. Blessed with two boys & a sweet baby girl. (07/10, 02/16, 08/17)
I am 8 weeks 2 days pregnant with my second child. I currently work as an RDA (registered dental assistant). I work in a pediatric dental office and I love my patients so much, but I can't stand my doctor. The doctor I work for is verbally abusive, always picks and nags at the whole team. She always expects the best of all of us, but yells at us, makes us cry, causes anxiety. I've tried to speak with her in regards to the ways she makes me feel. She will be nice for a day or two and goes right back to lashing out. It's such a hostile work environment. I applied for a job in a different office doing the same thing I do now. I am scared to get hired and then announce my pregnancy. I'm not sure how long I could hide it. I've thought about just staying in my current office, but I'm worried about the stress it could be causing my baby. Any advice? Suggestions?