Tobias Everett💙💙

Katie • Mommy to be to a little boy 💙💙
Baby Tobias was born August 10th at 11:57 am via C-Section. I have a pre-existing heart condition that has caused issues with my pregnancy and was a cause of concern for my OBs. First off, I do not have GD, I passed my test with flying colors: I just make chunky babies apparently! A C-Section was determined best because my son was an estimated 9lbs at 38 weeks and we wanted to avoid unnecessary strain on my heart. So at 39w2d (after 2 reschedulizations since 37 weeks) I had a c-section and Mr. Tobias Everett came into the world kicking and screaming at 9lbs 6 3/4oz and 21 inches long! Words will never explain the love I have for this little man!