Needing advice on seeking second opinion

I should be around 9 weeks according to my last period. My first appt/ultrasound was on August 3 (8 week) measured me at 5 weeks and 6 days, HR 85. Second appt on August 11, measured me at 6 weeks 2 days with HR at 87 or 94... The tech didn't say but I saw both numbers on the screen so not for sure on rate. Doctor wasn't present either times. Doctor nor tech nor nurses have been very informative or helpful. Hcg levels and progestorone haven't been checked since confirming pregnancy on July 15. I was told my thyroid was somewhat mid-high risk and that hasn't been checked since my first appt. I have a third ultrasound scheduled for next Tuesday, August 18. Doctor wasn't optimistic but said he couldn't do anything either way at this point since there was a heart beat. I'm very much considering getting a second opinion. Even if it does end in miscarriage, perhaps another doctor would be more supportive and informative. Any thoughts or advice? Similar experiences? Outcomes?
Not wanting to give up all hope just yet. No bleeding thus far in my pregnancy. Not much cramping etc. needing advice and prayers!