Christmas Traditions?

So I know it's only August but fall and winter will be upon us in no time and I saw this photo on my Facebook:
 and it made me wonder about other people and what your traditions are?
 (if you celebrate Christmas. if you don't feel free to share the holiday traditions of something else that you celebrate 😊) 
My family isn't very religious so we don't go to church or anything like that, but on Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> my Mother and Step Father always bought my siblings and I ornaments to put on the tree so by the time we moved out we would have a decent start of a collection for our own Christmas trees. They would wrap them up like presents and we would open them and then we would read "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" before going to bed. 
When I have children of my own I think that is what I'm going to do as well but I thought the box idea (above) was a cute one. And maybe an idea for those of you who don't have any traditions but would like to start one.