Public Breastfeeding

My son's first pediatrician appointment was yesterday. He's 5 days old and exclusively breastfeeding. Yesterday was the first time I've been out of the house since I've had him. While we were waiting at the office he got hungry so I obviously had to feed him. He gets distracted occasionally while he's feeding so I usually have to cover him up. Being in a pediatrician's office I assumed that it wouldn't be a big deal. So I covered up, got him latched on pretty quickly and sat back and prepared to relax and be stuck like that for awhile. That was when I noticed that several people, including a creepy grandpa, were staring at me like I couldn't even see them. No one actually said anything to me, but it was still really annoying having so many people just staring me down and looking at me like I was doing something wrong. I'm not a confrontational person, but I also stand my ground so I'm just waiting for someone to say something to me. It's especially irritating considering the fact that I was covered up! Sorry for ranting, I'm just really irritated by this.