TMI - EWCM or semen?

talisa • 26. Business owner 💎. Married👰🏾. Mommy to one beautiful 5.5 y/o little girl 💕 #2 due 6/2016 👶🏾
I got a second blinky face OPK for the month... My last one was 8/3, had a solid 8/4 and thought I O'd 8/5. Thought I was having implantation early this AM - I took an ovulation test for the heck of it and got a blinking smiley again.. We had sex around 5a.. I can distinguish SOME of what's left over cum, but I got this too and wondering if it's ewcm and I'm actually going to O now?! 
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Looks like semen. Fertile mucus is always clear


talisa • Aug 13, 2015
Thank you so much for your insight! xx


Jenna • Aug 13, 2015
That is strange but not unheard of. I'm doing natural family planning to conceive and learned that mucus doesn't need to be stretchy to be fertile, just clear


talisa • Aug 13, 2015
Thanks. I'm just confused to why I'm getting a high fertility OPK at 8dpo (that's when I got my first solid) and 6 days til AF :\