Looking for some uplifting words

Hi all, 
On the 10th of July, I had a positive, but faint pregnancy test. A few days later I went to my doctor for confirmation. Hcg levels were at 295 and my doctor said the urine test was faint, too. That was on July 14th. 
My Lmp started June 6th. I do have irregular periods. 
Today was my first ultra sound. Glow had me at 9 weeks 4 days. We were expecting to see a baby, but all we saw was a gestational sac and yolk sac. 
The tech said I could be more around 5 weeks and a few days. She also said my gestational sac was measuring around 8 weeks, but that it is not very accurate to go off of. 
I am definitely not without nausea, tender and very sore breasts, or lower back pain (my sacrum feels bruised and pulling often) 
She basically said it's still too early to see anything, or it could be a blighted ovum. Now I  just beside myself. Any words of encouragement or ladies with similar stories, I would gladly appreciate hearing them. 