2nd MC and now begining test


Hello ladies I've had 2 MC this year. 1st was natural ans 2nd began but ended in having a d&c. So the dr figured I was going thru enough pain and offered to start doing some testing. On Tuesday I went in and had 6 to 8 different tubed of blood taking foe different test. Now the dr said if everything comes back fine the next step would be him referring me to a reproductive doctor which I'm very scared about I mean reproductive dr just screams MONEY. For women. Who have gone the 2 or more MC and ended up having to take test and see different specialist please tell when how things went and what all was done to figure out the issues

And how long it took. I'm just so scared and hoping that they can figure out what's wrong soon cause I know I have two babies in heaven but my husband and I want a little angle here with us to love. I can't help but feeling like this will be a long road to walk down but I'm praying that's not true