I wish I could say I was happy...

Olivia • Happily engaged and expecting our first baby♡

My fiancé smokes weed. Didn't bother me when we first got together. Now, he smokes more than 6x a day. It's sickening to me. We have a baby boy on the way, and he smokes like this. I tried talking to him about it tonight but as usual, he's so damn high that he's nodding off and slurring words. And I told him that I can't continue like this. He leaves a whole pipe packed in my room. So when I get home, the house REEKS of weed. I asked him last night to stop leaving it out. Well I come home tonight and a half burnt pipe is sitting out on my dresser. I told him that it's absolutely disrespectful that he can't put it away when I asked. Especially me being pregnant, I can't stand the smell. Mind you, I'm 24w3d pregnant right now. I love him to death, but dammit I can't deal with a pothead. How will this effect his parenting? He thinks the amount he smokes daily is nothing at all. Even worse, he said straight to my face, "I don't give a shit that you don't like me smoking, I'm not quitting"

This will lead to me leaving him. As hard as it is for me to do it, I may just have to. My son won't have a father over this. I won't have the happy family that I dreamed of, that he promised me....Guys, what do I do? I shouldn't stress this much while I'm pregnant. But I can't do this. It's tearing me apart every single day, and tonight really made me hit my breaking point. I'm devastated..... I need help more than ever, and I don't know where and who to turn to....