Pregnant test question please help!!

Mayra • 30 pregnant with rainbow baby
I've never had this happen. Since last week I have taken 6 pregnancy test.. Last one today. The test read a positive result and withing a min it disappears and reads negative. All 6 pregnancy test have been the samw. Ive done some reading on the web and similar stories and most of them end up being pregnant. I dont want to get my hopes up but its hard not to 😓. Has this happened to any of you? I'm making an appointment tomorrow with my Dr. Just a bit of info about myself. Periods are always irregular so I really don't know when I'm ovulating or not. Last month AF came from 7-8-15 to 7-11-15 had intercourse on the 18th and 23rd. Of I were NORMAL I would be ovulating on the 23rd right? There is a chance right? 😓
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You can always see the test line as the urine flows across it. I recommend not looking at it till the dye settles and it's in the timeframe recommended in the instructions.


Dani • Aug 14, 2015
I'm sorry!!! It happened to me too the first time I saw it! Then I stopped looking until after a couple minutes! Hopefully it will happen very soon! Baby dust to you!


Mayra • Aug 14, 2015
i think you are right. i got excited for nothing 😖


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I would get a blood test!!


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This hasn't happened to me before but I wouldn't rule yourself out, try taking a pink dye test(not a digita) it might just be a bit to early to detect on the digital ones??


Lucy • Aug 14, 2015
Let us k ow your out come fingers crossed for you!


Lucy • Aug 14, 2015
Haha that's so strange, not heard of this before, if I was you I would try digital then, or wait (if you can) 48hrs and by then you would hope your levels are higher!


Mayra • Aug 14, 2015
lucy they wernt digital, they were all pink dye. at first i thought i was crazy but this last one i had my sister woth me and she tripped out as well 😂.