Hormonal imbalance and dysmenorrhea?

Heather Marie • HG survivor! My heart & soul William was born 4/26/16 6lbs 9oz. 19.5" long. Baby #2 on the way! 👶🏼💙
I've been suffering with horrible labor like cramps, nausea, vomiting, faintiness, chills and heavy bleeding around the time of my period for a long time now. I've been to holistic doctors & my gyno tons of times. I have been breaking out really bad around my chin too. I've changed diet, walking more and tried lowering stress. Nothing seems to be working. I've even had a hysteroscopy where they look inside your uterus. They said it looks normal. I'm at a loss. My husband and I have been TTC for 6 months or so..I know it's not long compared to others but it already feels like a century when it's all you have been dreaming of for over 14 years of being with my husband. I have a terrible relationship with my family and I want to start my OWN family. I've tried herbs, cutting things out my diet, I have never smoked, I don't drink, I am overweight by 25lbs but I'm working on it. My husband works with cars (exposed to chemicals) and is overweight too. I am 27 and he is 30. He does drink a cup of coffee a day and I'm worried if any of that is affecting anything? I hate feeling like something's wrong with me and I see all my peers having kids so quickly and some aren't even married or have an apartment or own a home!!!! I at least have my shit together. It's so frustrating because we waited so long for the right time to get pregnant but now it seems so damn difficult to get help or start a family. What do you suggest I do or what would you do? Should I have a pre-conception appt? Please help!