Finally coping

Three. That is the number of babies I lost in July. I had undergone fertility treatments and became pregnant with triplets. At 6, 7, and 14 weeks I lost them all one by one. My heart is broken, but healing. My two year old keeps telling me, "you okay mommy. You babies in heaven now, OK." She is a wise little one. :) She and my husband are keeping me going. Side note...I was unaware it was even triplets until they told me my numbers kept rising after the loss of the twins. The third baby was ectopic so I had to get two shots of methotrexate. It was the hardest thing I had to do and bawled like a baby knowing that I had no choice but to end my babies life. This is my veiw from my exam room waiting for them to come terminate my pregnancy. I will always keep this picture as a reminder of how I felt.