IUD and Pregnancy

Hello, I'm a returning user of Glow. I'm returning because I'm in need of advice, options and/or experiences. I've had the paragaurd IUD for going on 7 years. I've never had a problem. The last couple of weeks I've been not feeling very well. I thought to myself that I almost felt pregnant. I was like no way, it's not possible. Then I started thinking back to when I had my last period and because of the IUD I've not really kept track and it's been well over 6 or 7 weeks. So I decided to take a pgt just to eliminate. Well after 2 tests there was a faint but there positive. So I went to the doctor. He did an ultrasound and said the IUD was still in place and did a urine test and said that his was negative. I'm super confused because I still haven't started, I'm still not feeling well, and I took 2 tests that were even different brands. Any advice would be great. Even if it's telling me that I'm being paranoid! Lol