Just had my HSG test done today.

I'm 36 trying for #2, my daughter was born 3 1/2 years ago via c section. After trying for 6 months for #2 I decided to get myself tested. My blood work came back normal. However at my HSG test today the Radiologist told me she could see only one tube filled with the dye. She couldn't see the second tube at all and she also said that the shape of my uterus was completely off. She could not give me any more information and said she needs to study the images taken more closely and will send the results to my doctor. I'm very alarmed with what she told me and am wondering if anyone else has experienced this? My uterus was fine when I was pregnant with my daughter and I needed the c section only because the umbilical cord was wrapped twice around the baby's neck. Has anyone had damage/scarring to their uterus after a c section?