Is it possible to have children and a satisfying career?

I'm 13 weeks pregnant with my first child and am currently working full time in a team leader role. I'm planning on taking a year off after the baby is born then I would like to go back to work part time.  I doubt I will be able to continue my current role as it does really need to be a full time position, and I'm sure my employer will be able to offer me part-time work, although this is likely to be plugging service gaps rather than anything I might find professionally satisfying.  I was discussing this with my husband (who is also in a managerial role) and he believes that part-timers can't contribute as fully as people who work full time, so it's fine to give them jobs where they fill in service gaps and ignore their own career aspirations.  I'd be interested to see what people think- is it possible to maintain a satisfying professional role after you have children?