Is your man lazy/messy?

Do any women care to share how they deal with a lazy or messy husband or significant other? 
I don't mean a complete slob like leaving food laying around for days or straight up trash in the middle of the living room floor or anything, because personally I wouldn't be with someone who was dirty like that. 
But for example when he does laundry, maybe never folding it, just throwing it in a pile somewhere, or never dusting a thing, collecting cups or dishes on counters, never cooking dinner or attempting to learn to, having his own room that is a disaster of epic junkyard proportions, a filthy car inside and out, or just general lack of interest in anything that really benefits the home or upkeep. (Besides mowing the grass- he does that every week) It seriously just doesn't bother him when shit is not clean. 
Any advice for a high-strung OCD pregnant woman about to get married and have a baby in 5 months? It's getting old being constantly disappointed by someone who just "doesn't care" about these things like I do, like having an orderly, clean house. I want to get over this because there is no one else in the world I would rather be with and I can't keep holding resentments if this is just truly how he is. How do I let it go??