TMI- husband is infected

Before people accuse my husband of cheating, I am 500% sure he hasn't. First of all its been done very badly to him, he's so against it, second off all we are both teachers and he hasn't been out of my sight since June.

My husband told me yesterday that he thinks he has poison ivy on his penis. He gets poison ivy bad, he has a little bit on his arm and he's been doing a lot of yard work, but really on his penis?

I didn't look closely at it, but I saw it was rash like, his penis is inflamed, and he said it's really itchy. Really though, on his penis?

I told him to go to the doctor, but he's being a guy. I'm probably going to convince him to go, but was looking for your ladies thoughts.

I'm hoping it goes away on its own bc the steroids for poison ivy kill his sperm 😢

Any thoughts or advice?