Started my diet Aug.14.2015

Laura • Wife & Mother of two❤

I got a prescription for phentermine. Because i have tried everything else and nothing seems to have worked. This is my last shot. And since yesterday i already feel better. I have been drinking more water and flavored water to help me get off the soda. And to be honest i only drank soda i could drink two 12 packs in a day or two or more soda. But since my husband and i have been trying over a year to concieve with my second and his first its time i made a change for myself and get healthy and fit again. And with having a new job and made new friends who are pretty awesome and around my age. And i am more happier with life. Before my new job i worked within the same company as my parents. And that made me very unhappy. But now i am out of that im not around negative people all the time. I lost one of my sisters to suicide in 2011. And that took a heavy toll on me. I am so proud of myself that i will be making changes, no matter how hard they will be. I have a wonderful husband, daughter, Parents who have always been there for me and helped me all my life (when i needed it). I am so happy i moved to kansas to be closer to family.

Sorry this was so long but i had alot to say and maybe someone is trying to make changes also. And if anyone wants to talk i am here!!

Have a wonderful weekend💚