Severe migraine help...

Cassie • Married 8/7/10 Our sweet baby girl born 1/26/16
So today I woke up with an intense migraine for the second time this week! I used to get migraines every once in awhile before pregnancy but nothing compared to this. It is awful!!!! I have all the blinds shut and lights off and nothing is touching it. My whole neck feels like it is on fire. I have tried tylenol, ice, everything!! I get dizzy when I get up and it gets to the point it makes me nauseous and I dont even feel like eating much at all. I am so frustrated... I have a million things to do and cannot even get up. I did notice it is happening the days after I have walked on my treadmill the night before... could be coincidental but I am not sure. I just started walking on it this week for just 30 mins just since I have started to feel better from 1st trimester nausea. I am currently 15 weeks... any help or suggestions anyone could provide would be great!! Thank you!