Rape victim blaming (trigger(?))

Akira • /Life enthusiast/Eat the rude/vegan/Depp and Bloom and Hiddleston and Mikkleston and Cumberbatch`s wifey/
Can we just stop victim blaming? It's ridiculous we are still having this conversation. You could walk around naked and you're not ASKING for it. By definition, you can not "ask" for rape. I'm really bothered about this since it's so unfair and unjust for survivors of rape. My heart goes out to all of you, keep strong and beautiful. 
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Posted at
Rapists cause rape plain and simple. &nbsp;I promise you no 9 year old ever asked for it.&nbsp;


Posted at
Is there a survivors group on here? If not, maybe we should make one? For survivors of any violent crime?


👑🐼 • Aug 18, 2015
So I went and took a peek and there are already a couple groups! They are under the Sex & Relationships category. ☺


Siarah? • Aug 18, 2015
omg this is just a amazing idea!!!!


Akira • Aug 18, 2015
That'd be a good idea ^


Posted at
I think this is a bold statement, and look at all the people not staring at her exposed body.&nbsp;


Posted at
Because my overalls were so attractive on my 13 year old frame that it must have been my fault😒.&nbsp;All those who've dealt with it, stay strong lovelies


Michelle • Aug 16, 2015
<3 hugs, i know the hurt.


Posted at
Because my boyfriend was a young child and he was an easy target HE DID NOT DESERVE IT. ESPECIALLY FROM A GROWN MAN. 😔 Sorry but if you can blame a rape on the length of a girls shorts or her personal beauty then you can go fuck your self. If you think a child is appealing then you can definitely go screw yourself and I hope you rot in prison.&nbsp;


Posted at
I didn&apos;t ask for it and I was 4. 😢


Grace • Aug 19, 2015
oh love, i was that young too. I'm so sorry that happened.


Siarah? • Aug 18, 2015
I am so sorry


Akira • Aug 16, 2015
Stay strong, love. You're loved, strong, and beautiful. Xx


Posted at
I didn&apos;t ask for it either. And of screaming NO! multiple times really means yes then something is wrong......I was 11


Posted at
I actually struggled with blaming myself for the longest time, and to this day I hate it when those that know my story say I was raped. I hate hearing them describe what happened as rape because in the back of my mind I think of all the ways I &quot;asked&quot; for it. Low cut shirt, tight jeans, I shouldn&apos;t have snuck out, shouldn&apos;t have went to the party at 17 when I knew there&apos;d be older men, shouldn&apos;t have been drinking. Part of me really blames what happened on my poor decisions, and the other part blames him. I think a lot of victims of rape blame themselves at some point, and people need to realize that blaming the victims does so much harm to them. Words are powerful!


Posted at
No one asks to be raped, but there are people out there who get off on sexual taunting, lie about it, or are into consensual nonconsensual. Make room for everyone.


Shawna • Aug 18, 2015
the things you listed are not rape.


🎸C🎻 • Aug 17, 2015
well, there's kilts.


Ce • Aug 16, 2015
I don't think "short skirts" are worn by the men that get raped, if we're talking about making room.


Posted at
I was 14. Mom says it&apos;s my fault. I didn&apos;t ask for it. He was a huge linebacker and a good 100 more pounds them me and all you can really do is scream no please stop 😔


Siarah? • Aug 18, 2015
Thank you Sharnese. It definitely gives you different perspectives


🌊🌊 Venus 🌊🌊 • Aug 18, 2015
im sorry you went through that


Siarah? • Aug 18, 2015
Thank you Celeste 💕