I need to vent...

Risa • Middle school English teacher | Married My College Sweetheart 10/15/05 | 3x Girl Mama to Punkin (10/12/07), Peanut (09/04/16), and Pickle (08/28/18)
My hubby and I have been TTC baby #2 for over a year. I'm in the middle of my TWW and trying to stay positive, because conceiving has been difficult for us, and I lost my last pregnancy in June 2013. The other day, my brother called me and told me that he and his girlfriend just found out that she is pregnant. I want to be happy for them, but a few factors are standing in the way of that.
1) He is in the middle of a divorce, and has been dating his current girlfriend for just about a year, since he and his (soon to be ex) wife separated.
2) He already has 2 children with his ex.
3) This was NOT a planned pregnancy.
4) He will be 28 in March and his girlfriend is only 19.
Like I said, I want to be happy for them, since they're happy, but I think that this is just another in a series of poor decisions on my brother's part. It's also really difficult for me not to be angry at the Universe, right now, because all of my brother's kids have been surprises (no child is a mistake) and I desperately want to have another child and it's not happening. 😔
Like I said, I just needed to vent. I hope this is okay. School starts tomorrow, so at least I have that to look forward to...