Getting healthy

I know trying to lose weight while pregnant isn't the right thing to do. And I won't lol I'm just eating healthy and walking of course. But ever since I found out I was carrying my baby I decided to get fit after having them. I don't want my kid to come up to me and ask me to play with them outside or take them to an amusement park and not be able to because of my weight. Plus I think it's time, I'm 25 still young. I want to be proud of myself. Luckily for me I found an amazing man who fell in love with me and all of my insecurities. He has never put me down, in fact he makes me feel more beautiful. He's another reason I want to get in shape. He deserves a hot lady lol don't get me wrong, I love me. But I want to love myself even more, because why not. So I'm super excited for this next chapter in my life. And I wanted to share because there's not really any ladies I'm friends with in person that Can relate to the struggle of being overweight.  Enough of my dear diary entry. Hope all of you beautiful ladies are doing great ☺️