HSG test

Nicole • 30 • Married • TTC baby #1 ❤️ with PCOS
Before starting me on any meds for my PCOS my doctor ordered a hysteosalpingogram for me, and a sperm analysis for my spouse. Because like she told me no matter how many eggs I make or if I'm ovulating if my tubes are clogged it won't work for me. Thank god that my test came back normal. But she told me that aot of women in a 1-3 months span after an HSG get pregnant. And I did it on the 12th day of my cycle so she said I would be ovulating soon. I did my OPKs in the days the app told me I should be ovulating and I wasn't. 😩 I was very upset but my doctor told me with PCOS when I do ovulate it's not necessarily on the days a Norma cycle would have. Any of you with experiences after an HSG????