What's going on?! **TMI PIC**

Nicola • Married. 29 years old. Mmc at 11 weeks July 2015 and mc at 4+3 weeks Nov 2015. Pregnant with baby girl due 30.07.17 ♡♡
I had a miscarriage 4.5 weeks ago. The baby died at 9 weeks. We started trying straight after bleeding had stopped and my hpt turned negative. I think I ovulated (based on opk and cm) 7/8th Aug. I've had lots of pregnancy symptoms so today took a frer and got an extremely faint line - I've attached a pic but can only really see in person. I thought maybe line would get darker over next few days so was going to test tomorrow but when I wiped this afternoon after the toilet the paper had a pink tinge. I've now got this when I wipe (same as what I had end of my miscarriage - looks like ewcm but it's brown). Have I had a chemical pregnancy? I feel so sad and down...xxx