Advice needed- can anyone help? Long post!

I'm currently 6 days overdue with no sign of labour starting. Baby is very low but my cervix isn't behaving and moving to where it should. I've had two attempted sweeps and they've been unable to reach it. It looks like I'm heading for an induction at this point (next Monday). Midwife is coming again on Thursday to attempt another sweep. She doesn't hold much hope it'll work and has talked me through the options. 
The issue is that I had some growth scans and on the 30th July baby was about 8lbs. Due to the position of the baby, I was discharged from consultant care as they felt it was unlikely I'd go past my due date, so although baby would be big, size wouldn't be an issue. Now it looks like I'm going to be nearly two weeks overdue and induced on the 24th August. Should I be asking for another growth scan before being induced? I'm concerned about the size of the baby and any possible complications. If baby is really big (I'm 5"3 and not that well built), do you think it'd be worth requesting a c section? I don't know what my rights are with this. I'm terrified of consenting to an induction, which notoriously bring on quick and savage labours, which won't give my body enough time to really prepare for the baby I'm giving birth to. I'm also worried that my concerns will cause me a lot of stress during labour and not let my body do what it needs to. Of course, if I had a growth scan and baby wasn't that sizeable I'd happily just have an induction.