My HSG Test! Did you have any luck TTC after?

Jessica • My name is Jessica, I am 27 years old. I have PCOS, My sweet husband and I have been blessed after 5 years TTC and many doctors, we have our rainbow twin girls. After 2 years we are ready to try for more❤️
I went in yesterday for my HSG test they sent the dye in and it automatically went and flowed out of my left tube, my right tube didn't even show up so we were nervous. The Dr. Sent exta dye through and after a minute or so it shot through my right tube. The Dr said he's pretty sure I had a blockage and the extra dye cleared it out:) the HSG was not painful for me at least not until he shot the extra dye in and it emptied my tube that hurt quite a bit! Has anyone had successful pregnancy after there HSG?