Someone help me please......

I am sooo hurt and so depressed. I'm writing this anonymously because I just want to vent without being judged. I am currently almost 14 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and me and my husband are just not seeing eye to eye. When I had my first born, right after birth you know how tired you are. I was on pain medicine that also makes you sleepy but because my husband wanted to sleep he made me stay up with my newborn knowing that I just gave birth (this was when we were still in the hospital) I forgave him for this long ago or so I think but it still hurts. Now I'm pregnant with baby #2 and I was sooooo sick today and cramping like crazy. He was off of work today and seen how much discomfort I was in but still decided to watch me clean, cook, and take care of my one year old who was giving me a hard time today all while he was laying on the couch. I snapped on him and all he said was "sorry I didn't think it was that serious" and he just looked at he TV while I have full blown tears in my eyes. He is a hard working guy and I'm a stay at home mom but does that give him the right to treat me like this? This is only the tip of the iceberg... What am I going to do with the new baby?? Is he even going to help me?? I feel like a single parent even though I'm married.... I swear though when he's good he's really good and he provides and he's funny but when it comes to my feelings or helping around the house or with the baby he is just an asshole..... I feel like maybe I made a mistake by getting pregnant again.... I feel so alone guys......