Confused please help.


I need advice, I'm 26 me and my bf have been dating for 2 yrs and for the past 2 weeks we have been talking about our future.

The whole convo is I have a regular 9-5 making above minimum wage. He works at a data center, he makes WAY more than me. And we have this time line, where we want to get married and have kids.

The things is he wants me to go back to school get the career, have kids and travel. But this screws up the timeline, I will graduate in 2 yrs and looking for a job and afterwards have akid or have a kid in school in which he thinks will be too hard.

This is where I come in.

What I want is to keep my job, have kids and eventually go back to school. That way we'll have two incomes and we won't be in too much debt.

But what he is afraid of is us having a hard time. Where if he has to be out of work for awhile we are going to fail. I have told him that I would do whatever it takes to keep us a float before you sink. But that's not good enough.

What I'm asking from you ladies is that what options do you see in this? Should I keep fighting for something or is there nothing there?