OPK Always "High"

This month I decided to try a Clear Blue Easy Digital OPK. I bought the expensive one with the 3 different result options. I started testing on cycle day 11 like it suggested. These have been my results each day of testing: 
1- 😶- Low
2- 😀- Peak (Ovulating)
3- Can't test due to Peak result (test flashes Peak result for 48 hours) 
4- 😶 Low
5- 😶 Low
6- 😐 High 
7- 😐 High 
8- 😐 High 
9- 😐 High 
According to Glow I wasn't predicted to ovulate until Day 8 of the OPK testing. I was shocked when I got a Peak result in day 2 of testing. I didn't trust the OPK, so that's why I keep testing just to make sure. 
I've been taking the test the same time every morning with the same "wait time" for urine concentration. Are my hormones just screwed up? Is it possible to be High for that long? 