Having A Hard Time...

Constantine • A Mamma of two beautiful children and one angel baby. Life is short. Enjoy every second. |DaughterOfAir|

I miscarried June 8th, I believe I was about 8-9 weeks along when I lost my little angel. It's truly been the hardest, most devastating event in my life. I honestly thought giving birth to my two little ones was the most difficult and painful thing I'd ever done up to this point in my life, but oh so worth every second! Then I had my m/c. No one explained what would happen or what was, in fact, happening. I felt so lost! I felt so alone. I don't think I've been treated so poorly by health care professionals, either. I honestly wish I could have been one of those fabulous women who speak up and demand what they want when they're being treated like that, but I couldn't. I just wanted to melt into the damn uncomfortable chairs. My soul hasn't healed from my loss and I think it's because I still have so much anger. I'm angry that I wasn't given adequate information. I'm angry my pain meant nothing. I'm angry everyone wanted to leave me alone or make stay alone until they were ready to deal with me! I'm angry I never got to see the ultrasound, even if there wasn't anything to see. I don't think I've ever been so angry in my life. Has anyone else experienced something similar? If so, how did you heal?
