Resistance to painkillers

Does anyone else struggle with a resistance to any painkillers? I've had two epidurals, different pregnancies, both failed. I've had novacaine in my arm to get my birth control in and out- didn't work even after what the nurse said to be an alarming amount. Ibuprofen and Tylenol have never had any effect on me. I am 21 wks and was in a four car pile up and am currently in a neck brace and have been given hydrocodone. It feels like nothing at all. No relief. I ask this board because I've been forced to seek out a hospital birth due to finances :( and i honestly don't want to do a hospital birth without an epi because of how tied down and violated i felt every other time, but fear it's what im looking at again due to simply not being compatible with the epi. Im scared to even try bc the tiny numbing shot they give, so that you dont feel the big rod in your back- doesn't work for me (they gave me three the first time and insisted i was just feeling pressure, not sensation, then about the same happened the second time) almost caused me to paralyze myself instinctively fighting to get away from pain far worse than labor. Has anyone else had such an incredible resistance to painkillers? Im only 5'1" and at my heaviest i was 127 at delivery of babies!