Starting a family - Hubs in nursing school

Michelle • 27. Married. Trying for #1 :)
My husband is just starting nursing school this semester. The grind is going to be brutal, but we're ready. We're also very ready to start a family this fall. His worry is how time consuming and stressful school is going to be and to put a newborn on top of that would be too much. BUT he's also as desirous as I am to start having children. 
I guess my question is this:
Has anyone been through this before or had a baby while their SO was deeply committed to something?
How did you cope with it and did you have help?
We really don't want to wait until after school (the program is 5 semesters) since that would mean having my first child at 30 (something I realize is ideal for some people, but not for me).
Thank you for reading - any advice or pep talk is appreciated!