So excited!!

Tara • 35,luckiest wife married to the love of my life, blessed mama to the sweetest 3 year old and 3 month old boys 💙
Our anniversary is coming up in September (8th) and the in laws are taking Mason for the weekend before so we can have a kid free time together!! I'm on call the Saturday morning so he will be with his grandparents from Saturday afternoon until Monday afternoon (Labor Day in states). It's the longest we've been kid free since he was born!! We have only done 2 other one nights away. In almost 3 years!! We were going to go stay at a nice hotel or something, but not sure what we will be doing. Ed Sheeran is in concert on our actual anniversary day here so hubby got me tix, so we now we aren't sure about going away. But still so good to just have special time together! So excited!! We had planned  on going away for our anniversary before Mason was born but lost that opportunity since my sis in law was pregnant too at that time and had her baby shower that day. Anyone else have anything planned?