My sweet baby

My sweet baby went home to the Lord about a week ago. This past evening I awoke from a nap with a strange feeling. When I went to the bathroom I found that I was bleeding quite heavily. Immediately I knew. I knew we had lost our little one. My husband and I went straight to the emergency room. One of the greatest blessing this evening besides having my loving husband so strong by my side was the compassion and kindness shown to me by the ER staff. They loving rubbed my shoulder and consoled me as I wept the loss of a baby I never met but loved more than anything. I was sent home to try and pass the baby naturally. I was nine weeks pregnant and our baby was measuring at 8 weeks with no heartbeat. As I write this I lay in bed in a lot of physical and emotional pain having just passed the sac that held our baby. My heart and soul are crying out. I sat on the bathroom floor and prayed over our sweet baby. You were not ready for this world yet, the Lord knew and so he called you home. I will never forget you. You were my first amazing miracle. Mama loves you.