Prom at 17 weeks now 23 weeks

So 6 weeks ago I had fluid leak outta me went to e.r was told I was peeing myself got ultrasound baby had a good fluid level everything was fine..I accepted it and went my 20 week anatomy scan I found out baby has low fluid (so obviously I'm not peeing myself) so I caught some of the fluid that was leaking outta me took sample in office and sure enough baby's fluid is leaking said I could have a tare of whole in bag could seal go on bed rest..started bed rest at 20 weeks nothing changed still leaked was waiting on a apt with better docs bigger hosp! Only was leaking at night so baby replenished fluid threw out day they say! At 22 weeks 4 days I started spotting which turned into heavy bleeding got admitted to local hosp and transfered to a hosp 2 hrs away with a perry natal center and a great nicu. Doctor thinks my placenta is tearing away bc of the low fluid could stop could get worse or stay the same he don't has always had a strong h.b moves around and measures great so is growing! Doctor told me last night have low fluid could result in complications for baby such as muscle problems mental redardation cerbal paysley eye problems ect..but no none will now which one or how money but done except a healthy perfect heart broke!!he said I can terminate the pregnancy now but in my heart how can I feel him move hear his hb see his toes and fingers on scan ect..ive Google stories like mine and babies have been healthy and fine but my doctor is making it the worse so I guess I'm just wondering if anyone has delt with this before? What ur outcome? Doctor said as long as I don't bleed heavily start labor or get a infection I can stay pregnant max 34 weeks but that could be higher chance of baby complatitions! Said ide get steroid shots soon just in case he has to deliver! Baby weighs in a little over a pound which is good! So Confused stressed sad ect..can anyone relate?