Pre eclampsia at 36 weeks

Hi ladies, I'm 36 weeks today. My OB has been monitoring me regularly for a couple weeks now due to possible uterine restricted growth. My girl was in the 24th percentile at our last scan. I've been having an NST every Monday and Friday - everything has been looking good for her. My blood pressure has been high, I've noticed blurry vision but often times wondered if it was my contacts. I've been having headaches but would attribute it to lack of caffeine and/or sleep because of work. Just had blood work and submitted a 24 hour urine sample today and got the results - high protein for sure. OB has been suspicious for a while. I see him on Monday, after having an NST in the morning. What do you think my chances of being induced are? I'm pretty sure we'll talk about it but wanted to see what you ladies had to say from experience first. I'm a FTM. Wondering if he'll also suggest stopping work until delivery.  Any input is nice :) OB doesn't know that I know about my results. I work for the hospital system that I get all of my testing done at and can look at my record at any time. Good and bad for being a worry wart lol