Surprise baby at 43

Never thought about having or being able to have a baby again at 43 but a few weeks ago just out of the clear my three year old looked at me and said I had a big belly and there was a baby in there, not thinking anything of it I just let it pass, then she started downloading <a href="">baby apps</a> on my phone strange I though. She continued to lay on my stomach and say I had a baby . Aug I missed my period so I still didn't think I could be pregnant when my doctor said I was starting the change of life lol. And my periods where sometimes long then short. So on the 13 I bought a test took it then before it read I threw it in the trash and didn't think nothing of until later . So I got it out of the trash and to my surprise we was pregnant . Lol my three year knew before I did. And if she wouldn't have said anything probably would have known until the baby was born cause with an ulcer hernia hens and stomach problems and me dr saying I'm close to the change I would have thought this was the cause of it all . Kids are do smart.